Virtual Nostalgia
A series of projects that explore narrative within virtual spaces through the lens of childhood. In these experiences players are asked to take on a rebellious child-like persona. These virtual spaces exist as dream-like story vignettes.
Both are personal projects and were created between 2015 - 2016. I was the sole designer and developer for both projects.
Role: All Creative and Technical development. Team of 1.
Personal projects.
Splash Pool
Splash Pool is centered around a physical kiddie pool that serves as a boundary object and portal connecting virtual and physical space. While in VR, users gaze upon an inviting large pool area; however, they are limited to their small kiddie pool. From within the kiddie pool, they can engage with the virtual world by hitting the bottom of it to create virtual splashes. The experience uses custom hardware with pressure sensors to create a unique splash interface.
This project was created in 2016 and exhibited at Parsons PlayTech and Creative Tech week. “You won’t believe what this bank executive did in the kiddie pool”
Park Walk
Park Walk is a virtual reality experience that uses humor and absurdity to encourage users to embrace a spirit of childhood rebelliousness and mischief. From within a child’s stroller, the user is tempted by colorful distractions and scolded by an exasperated adult as they act out, disobey their caretaker, and resist impending nap time.
Park Walk was created through a fellowship at Viacom NEXT and NYC Media Lab.
“Paradis’s riff on nostalgia is exactly the kind of project the Fellowship was designed to support: an experimental take on storytelling uniquely possible through VR and, specifically, the HTC Vive.” - Road to VR
Read the full review of Park Walk in Road to VR: